22 Shvat - Remembering Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka
KTC GHS gathered to commemorate the Yartzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. The program organised by the Shluchot and hosted at a private home drew girls from every class in the highschool.
KTC GHS gathered to commemorate the Yartzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. The program organised by the Shluchot and hosted at a private home drew girls from every class in the highschool.
Our full range of after school learning programs continue. Pleasing to see participation growing each week.
Boys attending the after school learning program were treated to hot chips and drinks in recognition of the efforts they have put in to participating each week
Led by our Shliach Etan our BHS get the day off to a roaring start with Chassidus Before Davening (CBD)
Our BHS students hosted and guided our primary students at the recent Purim Katan Carnival. It was so exciting for the primary students to interact and engage with our high school in a fun and meaningful way in honor of Purim Katan.
Our annual Chidon participants recently sat their Chidon test after many weeks of preparation and study. Students from primary as well as both Girls and Boys high school participate. Much time and preparation goes into the whole program .. we thank Rabbi Straiton and Devorah Leah Joseph for their commitment each year.
IDF Search and Rescue unit leader Col. Golan Vach addressed our BHS on his experience in the IDF and about his teams rescue missions around the world
Our Father and Son Learning program brought together over 80 people who enjoyed learning together followed by lively sports on our turf and MPH
Each Friday our students engage with the community in order to assist men who have not had the chance to put on tefillin that day and remind ladies of the importance of lighting Shabbos candles.
Our BHS enjoyed a spirited Generation Sinai Event together with the many fathers, grandfathers and uncles that joined to learn together with the boys