Chagim, Commemorations and Celebrations at KTC
Our Jewish extra-curricular programs and special events are a highlight of Kesser Torah school life and are designed to kindle our students’ love and passion for Yiddishkeit.
We run special initiatives in the lead-up to the Festivals and all special days are marked and celebrated.
Every Rosh Chodesh is marked with full-school assemblies, where the students are recognised for their achievements and Midos Tovos.
Major milestones are celebrated through events such as our Aleph Beis Siyum, Siddur Party and Bas Mitzvah Dinner.
We run a range of initiatives and programs throughout the year including camps, Jewish Knowledge and Learning competitions, Generation Sinai and Chesed Projects. One major highlight is the Torah Fair, where students explore Torah topics of their choice independently, and present their projects at a grand presentation evening.