About KTC’s Girls’ High School
At KTC every student is valued. The aim is for every student, no matter what background or academic ability, to be respected, loved and given the opportunity to excel at their own level. Inclusivity comes as part and parcel of the whole KTC approach. From academics in the classroom, to informal education outside the classroom, community service, interschool sport, debating teams, biannual productions, school camps, Shabbatonim, and the recently added Israel trip for Years 9 and 10. Our aim is to have students feel safe, confident and able to achieve in all the challenges faced in school.
The balance of General studies and Jewish studies is of paramount importance in order to grow well informed, balanced and educated young ladies. Our foundation is Torah based and therefore we aim to produce a literate Jew, one who is comfortable in the wider Jewish community, with a good knowledge and skill level in all aspects of Judaism. To be a proud, confident and giving member of any Jewish community whereever they find themselves in the future.