Primary School

About KTC’s Primary School

Kesser Torah College provides a rich, fun and Torah authentic Jewish experiential and learning experience for its students and the school community.

Jewish Studies

Kesser Torah College provides a rich, fun and Torah authentic Jewish experiential and learning experience for its students and the school community.

Jewish Learning

The Torah is the cornerstone of our faith, and its study and the practice of its Mitzvos are what guarantee the continuity of the Jewish People.

At Kesser Torah College, we believe that each and every child is unique and have a born-right to be able to make a significant contribution to the Jewish People and the world. We see it as our privilege to help each child realise their extraordinary potential, thus enabling them to form their individual link in the eternal chain of our People.

We have developed a rigorous and comprehensive Jewish Studies program, with a strong emphasis on Jewish literacy and practical day-to-day Halacha. Our aim is to provide every student with the opportunity to be able to access and study the Torah independently and to arm them with the knowledge and skills to fulfil the Mitzvos and live a life of Midos Tovos.

Our students study a range of subjects including:
• Kriah
• Ksivah
• Chumash
• Halachah
• Parshah
• Novi
• Mishnah
• Talmud

Students engage with our ancient texts and learn through methods based on our age-old Mesorah integrated with modern-day pedagogy. Great emphasis is placed on Midos Tovos and every topic is utilised as an opportunity to learn core values and life-lessons from our Jewish greats and the Torah.

We are proud of our excellent team of Jewish Studies staff who strive to impart a love of Torah and the Jewish way of life to their students, and inspire them to apply the learned knowledge and values to their personal lives.

General Studies

Kesser Torah Primary School provides a nurturing and academically challenging environment where we focus on developing the ‘whole child’. Through our Primary School Core Values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Chesed we aim to develop independent learners who have the skills to lead them into the future.

Students enjoy a co-educational learning environment for Kindergarten and Year 1 after which they enjoy single gender classes where children are inspired to reach their potential.

Inquiry-based, integrated units develop excellence in Literacy and Numeracy as students explore the other Key Learning Areas of Science, Geography, History, Creative Arts and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education(PDHPE). Specialist Science, Music and Sport teachers allow students to develop an in-depth knowledge in each area.

Dedicated classroom teachers work closely with support staff, including those for gifted and talented students and children with learning difficulties. Students are offered enrichment programs in Mathematics and Science, and through Personal Interest Projects. School-wide assessments assist in monitoring student programs to ensure teaching and learning programs meet the needs of all students.

The General Studies curriculum is enhanced by a wide-range of informal learning and extra-curricular activities aimed at developing new skills and interests.

Our Student Representative Council (SRC) allows students from Years 2-5 to develop their leadership skills through listening to their peers and making changes to their school environment. In Year 6, students can be elected as Captains and House Captains where they are encouraged to run fundraisers and activities for all Primary students.

Our small class sizes allow all students to be well-known, challenged and to have their individual learning needs fostered.


Students in Years K-6 have the opportunity to be involved in an ever-evolving extra-curricular program.

Israel Day
Bas Mitzvah Program
Personal Interest Projects: Extension and Enrichment
Torah Fair
ICAS Competitions – Science, English, Mathematics, Technology, Spelling
Maths Olympiad
Smart Start (Commonwealth Banking Program)
Student Representative Council
Book Week
National Simultaneous Story Time


Coding robotics
Instrumental Lessons
Arts and Crafts
Speech and Drama
Torah Club
Homework Club
Games and Sports


The Primary School well-being program called PBIS is based around four core values. These vales are taught through structured lessons where students learn interpersonal skills, team work and independence. This program forms the basis of our behaviour management and positive reinforcement systems.

We demonstrate respect by thinking and acting in a positive way about ourselves and about others. By respecting others we care about their feelings and wellbeing.

We take responsibility for our actions. Being responsible means we do the things we are expected to do and accept the consequences/results of our actions.

We strive for resilience, developing the ability to bounce back no matter what circumstances we experience. We have high but achievable expectations, allowing students to view themselves as competent and capable.

We demonstrate Chesed as a means to emulate the ways of Hashem. Chesed is doing acts of kindness without personal benefit and showing compassion and empathy to others.